Climate Zone API

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Rest API for the Koeppen Geiger Climate Classification System

This is a rest API for the world's climate zones according to the Köppen climate classification. It is built with Laravel Lumen.

Climate data is from this site run by the Institute for Veterinary Public Health and the Provincial Government of Carinthia in Austria.

Query By Location

Search for a particular location by passing a latitude and longitude.[latitude]/[logintitude]

Naples, Italy

The latitude and longitude data is formatted to the nearest .25 and .75, so they API will return a climate zone based on the rounded values:

{ "request_values": { "lat": 40.8539645, "lon": 14.1765625 }, "return_values": [ { "lat": 40.75, "lon": 14.25, "koppen_geiger_zone": "Csa", "zone_description": "Mediterranean, hot summer" } ] }

Query by Zone

Search for a particular zone. See Wikipedia for a detailed listing of climate zone codes.[zode-code]

Mid-latitude steppe